I would like to find a job in Brasilia. I am from Ireland and wish to relocate there in 2009?
2008-10-20 04:10:06 UTC
I work in the water/Waste water treatment sector and I have amassed 13 year experience. It is difficult to find work there? I am currently learning Portuguese, but is there much opportunity for native English speakers? I would be most grateful for any answers or suggestion which you may be able to provide.
Two answers:
cisne n.egro
2008-10-20 09:56:44 UTC
Vacancies of Leader Treatment of Water ( Vagas de Líder Tratamento de Água) are a function very requested in Brazil, mainly in the industry, Brasília is located in the State of Goiáis. I think The wage is very small , but like you have a lot of experiences and speak more than a language is very possible that you get a wage really good.
Marcelo M
2008-10-26 04:25:18 UTC

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