What are good souvenirs to get while in Brazil?
Desert Rat 729
2008-02-27 16:51:10 UTC
My husband will be in Brasilia for a few days and he's offering to get me some souvenirs. What would be some good souvenirs to get that represent Brazil well? (Not t-shirts, keychains, etc).
Seven answers:
2008-02-27 23:13:02 UTC
brazilian bathing-suit :) for sure!!!!

if you like to drink.. ask him to bring some Cachaca.... it is something that you can remember brazil by.

get some havaianas flip-flops too...

some earings... and necklaces made by hand..."artesanal" work.

brazilian flag :)
2016-11-10 01:23:27 UTC
Brazil Souvenirs
2008-02-29 12:44:23 UTC
When I was in Rio a few years ago, I bought a small painting by a local artist, and it was the best purchase I made. It's of the famous favela in Rio. The 2nd best purchase I made there was a small wallet with the Brazilian flag imprinted on it - every once in awhile when I pay for something, someone notices my wallet and asks if I've been to Brazil - all the great memories of my trip come rushing back.
2016-03-15 15:04:42 UTC
football/soccer jersey. the most popular club is Sao Paulo followed by Palmeiras and Santos. you will have no trouble finding these team's jerseys while in Brazil as these are the countries best club teams.
2008-02-28 13:13:51 UTC
I donĀ“t want your husband to hate me...

About 65% of the colored precious and semi-precious stones in the world are from Brazil...
2008-02-28 07:10:05 UTC
Havaianas flipflops, they are cheap and very fashion in US.

Shoes, several of Aldo shoes are made in Brazil
2008-02-27 16:56:47 UTC
Be sure he buys a figa. It's an African-Brazilian symbol of good luck. see the link below

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