what does bjussss mean ?
2009-05-19 11:40:52 UTC
what does bjussss mean ?
Four answers:
2009-05-21 07:17:36 UTC
Brazilians like to end their messages with "Kisses", which translates Beijos or Beijo (plural and singular form). But there are many abreviations for that:

bju, bjs, bjusss, bjks (beijocas and beijinhos are kittle kisses)... and so on and so forth.
2009-05-19 12:10:28 UTC
hi, i'm brazilian and bjuss, means kisses(kisesssssssssss)
cisne n.egro
2009-05-19 16:05:42 UTC
Beijos -> bjus

2009-05-19 20:05:19 UTC
it means kisses :)

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